• Alex Harris

2025 Spring Recreational Soccer season registration will open January 15th.

Please see FAQ section below for more information on the spring season including fees and dates.

To begin registration once it is open, click on the green Player Registration below.

We have camps available.  Please go to www.columbiapremier.com/camps for more information and registration.


We are very excited to announce PlayMetrics, our new all-in-one registration and communications software platform!  PlayMetrics reduces the applications you use to interact and communicate with our club and your teams.  Using the PlayMetrics app on your mobile phone, you can now register and communicate with us, taking our club communication and organization to the next level.

As you begin using PlayMetrics, you may have questions about how to navigate your account. The Help articles below offer instructions as you start using the system.


PlayMetrics allows you to register and communicate with your teams all in one place whether at home or on the go. It helps us communicate with all of our families more clearly and effectively, including updates to practice schedules and field closures as they happen. The PlayMetrics platform ensures that you are always in sync with your team and never out of the loop.

Coach Registration

The process to complete register and complete the background check is different than prior years, but same as fall season.

There are two registrations to complete to be coach, assistant coach, trainer, or manager on a recreational team.

  1. Google Form
  2. Background Check and Certifications

Please complete the Google Form below.  We will not know you want to be a coach/assistant/trainer/manager if you do not complete this form.  This form is not a guarantee of a team, but let’s us know you are wanting to volunteer.

Coach Sign Up Sheet – https://forms.gle/J9huBjrZrdHhch3RA

All coaches, assistant coaches, managers, and anyone working with players must be sure the following is complete:

  1. SafeSport Training
  2. Intro to Safety – Covers Concussion Certification and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Certification
  3. Risk Status (Background check) and Season Registration- Be sue to choose Spring 2026 (NOT Rec Spring 2025)

All certifications must be done through the US Soccer Learning Center.  The association will not accept other certifications uploaded.   Certifications must be current and not expire during the season. You cannot renew more than 60 days in advanced of the expiration.


  1. Complete the training certifications (required annually)
    1. SafeSport – If you have completed SafeSport in the past locate your SafeSport ID number. Your SafeSport ID number can be located on a past SafeSport certificate.
    2. Intro to Safety – Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest training are combined in the US Soccer Learning Center as Intro to Safety
  2. Complete your background check
    1. Background checks require your Social Security Number (SSN)
    2. Your SSN has to match your name.  Do not put in false information, it will deny you and then you have to just do it again.  I, nor anyone in the club, can see this information.  If you DO NOT have a SSN please contact me so I can work with the state.

1.  For the SafeSport and Intro to Safety, click HERE to go to the U.S. Soccer Learning Center.  Please be sure you enter your name, email and DOB the same as your Sports Connect (Affinity) account.  If these do not match, you will not clear.  

  • Click on Supplemental Courses
  • SafeSport and Intro to Safety are listed at the top

2.  Click HERE to start the background checking process. Be sure you choose Spring 2025 (NOT REC Fall)

English: https://washingtonyouthsoccer.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Association-Connect_State_Compliance-9.16.22-1.pdf

Spanish: https://washingtonyouthsoccer.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Association-Connect-_State_Compliance_Spanish-Copy-9.16.22.pdf

Your name, DOB, and email address must match both the US Soccer Learning Center and Sports Connect (where you will complete your RMA/background check).  Your certificates will not sync if they do not match and you will not be able to complete the background check.

Program Information

Spring registration will open January 15th.

For the 202r Spring season, the player registration fees are $95 for all players.  Pricing does not include uniforms. Our goal is to make soccer accessible for all so if anyone is having difficulties paying, they should contact Michelle Beard at michelle.beard@columbiapremier.com.

Our financial aid program is awarded on a financial need basis.

Click HERE to log into PlayMetrics

To request financial aid, navigate to Club Programs located in the left-hand menu, and click the “Financial Aid” tab in the resulting view.  From here, you can review the Club’s financial aid policy prior to requesting assistance.  Click the “Request Financial Aid” button to begin the financial aid request process.

Next, select the Player(s) that need aid and fill out the financial aid request form.  Once you have completed the form click the “Submit Request” button.

Finally, you will see a pop-up message informing you that your request had been submitted and you will receive a notification and email by the Club when a decision regarding your financial aid request has been made.

For more information on receiving communications sent by the Club, please see the article “Setting Communication preferences”.

If you have trouble finding the application, you can also go to https://help.playmetrics.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047759754-How-to-Request-Financial-Aid#h_01F4A5MTBT4BJ9APB3T4HD3Y8Z to view instructions.

Yes, as long as you request a refund on or before February 28, 2025. Exception: doctor’s note stating player cannot play for the season or if you have moved out of the area. There is a $25 service fee for all refunds.

For accuracy of player information, we offer on-line registration. Registration is not considered complete until payment has been received and posted to your account, and we have verified that we have received a state issued birth certificate or current passport to prove date of birth. Registration is initiated online. Please click on the green Player Registration button on this page to get started once registration is open.

We will have rosters to coaches mid to late March. If you do not hear from a coach by March 31st, contact Nick Martinez at grassroots@columbiapremier.com.

All recreational uniforms are purchased through NW Soccer Locker.  There are no exceptions to uniforms, if teams are caught using other uniforms then stated, they will be removed from the league with no refunds.

Uniform requirements:
2020-2017 (U5-U8):
Red jersey (number is optional)
Shin guards
Cleats or tennis shoes
2016-2006 (U9 to U19):
Uniform kit (Red jersey, white jersey, red or black shorts, and red socks)
Choose any jersey number (duplicates are not an issue in this league)
Shin guards
Uniforms are purchased through NW Soccer Locker.  You can pre-order the uniform online or in the store. You can try the uniform on in the store, but fulfillment will not happen same day, you will have to return to pick up.   To ensure you have your uniform before the first game of the season, please order no later than August 31st. Any orders purchased after August 31st may not be ready in time for the first game. Please order your uniform early.
NW Soccer Locker is located inside Salmon Creek Indoor Sports Arena
(360) 314-4673

All players register in the year they were born in.

For the fall season, the player must turn five years old on or before December 31, 2025.

You must upload a state issued birth certificate or passport when you register for soccer.  Hospital certificates are not accepted.

With the new registration, PlayMetrics, all players will have to upload their state issued birth certificate or passport.  If you did this for the 2023 Fall season or later, it should not need to be done for spring as long as you use the same account. 

No, Washington State Youth Soccer (WYS) requires all players to submit a state issued certificate of live birth or current passport in order to be assigned to a team. Hospital certificates are NOT accepted.

Practice times and start dates vary depending on your team. Most teams will begin practicing late March. Most teams practice twice per week.  We do not know practice schedules before placing players on teams.  Practices are weekdays after 5pm.

Spring season games will be on Friday evenings, or during the day on Saturdays. Games start April 11/12, and end by June 7.  There are no games Memorial weekend.

Tryouts are not part of the recreational soccer program. Try-outs are held for players age 7 and older wishing to play at an advanced level of competition. These teams are Advanced Competition teams and only play other Advanced Competition teams. All other teams are recreational teams, players are assigned based on last year’s team, team request, and sign-up date.

We encourage all players to register as soon as possible so we can try and honor team and coach requests. There are no guarantees – but returning players who register by the returning player deadline typically are granted their request.  The spring season returning player registration is February 28, 2025.

Please do not, it causes errors in the data base and makes it difficult for coaches to contact players! Please create their own account so that their information is accurate for parents to be notified directly. If someone is having trouble registering please have them contact Nick Martinez at grassroots@columbiapremier.com. The public library also has computers for use for free.

Contact Nick Martinez at grassroots@columbiapremier.com if you have more questions.

The Columbia Premier provide two Recreational programs, Vancouver United (VUSA) and Camas-Washougal (CWSA), and is a non-profit organization with a long history of providing soccer opportunities to our community. We focus on the player and family and strive to ensure all players have opportunity for fun, development, competitive play, and life experiences. We offer soccer for all players age 4-19 and for players of all skill level and ability.